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美商GDI官方07年回顧&08年展望(美商GDI MAC團隊)

您好  各位會員夥伴

2007年是Global Domains International (GDI) 被肯定的一年,對Global Domains International (GDI)也是一個里程碑。 2006年以前,我們都提早達到目標,在和去年的同一天,我們不僅達到,更超越了既定的目標。


  • 新增PAYPAL 系統 做為支付費用及發放獎金
  • 客戶可更改 USERNAME
  • 客戶可選擇月付或預繳
  • 信箱由原來的100M 增自 1 G( 10倍增加! )
  • 美商GDI成為DSA美國直銷協會正式會員
  • 除.WS域名之外 新增提供更多種類域名可以讓客戶選擇
  • 釋放我們的動態DNS系統 .WS域名及時更新


為 此,我們將大量的時間和資源用在研發,如何提供客戶更好的服務。此外,我們提供更個性化的網域,由於絕大多數的客戶使用webmail[網路信箱]和 sitebuilder[網頁設計小幫手] 。針對這一點,新的一年,我們已經開始對這兩個做進一步的改善和研發,並很快推出所有新的Webmail和sitebuilder界面,結合尖端技術使用 起來更方便。這不僅將讓每一位客戶更能體驗,而且也可以讓客戶,除了使用到產品的精華,更讓客戶使用起來很有信心。所以說目標很簡單:讓您更輕鬆地去做你 想做的事,並為您帶來更多的樂趣!

今年,所有的產品有西班牙語註解。我們之所以選擇這門語言開始,因為我們發現客戶的需求,上個月,先行 推出【the new customer order flow】和【replicated sites】比預期獲得更大的迴響。接著,包括會員管理網站,也將提供西班牙語。未來,西班牙語如成功的詮釋溝通的角色,我們將會研發更多的語言版本。



[特此感謝 SHERRY 夥伴 熱心翻譯]


Whether you are purely a customer using our products and services, or also an affiliate promoting them, we have an incredibly exciting year in store for you!
2007 proved to be another milestone year for Global Domains International. 2006 was previously our best year ever in terms of revenue and profit, and last year we once again exceeded the prior year's marks for both. Some of the exciting improvements we brought you in 2007 include:
  • Accepting PAYPALas another form of payment.
  • Allowing username changes.
  • Offering domains in several other extensions in addition to our core .WS suffix.
  • Allowing customers to prepay for domains instead of paying monthly.
  • Releasing our Dynamic DNS system so .WS domains are updated in real-time.
  • Increasing the default mailbox size from 100 megabytes to 1 gigabyte (10 times increase!).
  • Being approved as a member of the Direct Selling Association (the world's foremost trade association of exclusive, top-tier, network marketing companies).
As great as our growth to date has been, we continue to strive to take it to the next level. Our goal is to provide our customers the best products possible and make every part of your online experience with us enjoyable and fulfilling.
To this end, we have been spending a great deal of time and resources researching exactly what our customers want from us. In addition to the highly personalized domains we offer, the vast majority of our customers use webmail and SiteBuilder. With that in mind, we have already started work on two of our core initiatives for this new year. We will soon be rolling out all new webmail and SiteBuilder interfaces combining cutting edge technology with extreme ease of use. This will not only give every customer a much improved user experience, but will also arm our affiliates with products they can promote with confidence and pride. The goals are simple: Make it easier for you to do what you want to do, and have more fun doing it!
This year will also bring all our offerings in Spanish. We chose this language to start because this is the one we currently receive an overwhelming number of requests for. We silently launched replicated sites and the new customer order flow in Spanish last month, and the results thus far have been even better than expected. Soon everything, including the members area, will also be available in Spanish. As time goes on and we monitor the success of the Spanish project, we will consider releasing additional languages as well.
We will also be unveiling an affiliate status achievement system to reward everyone with visual recognition for your efforts. Furthermore, we will be forming an official Growth Advisory Council comprised of leading affiliates in the field. This will give council members special access to corporate leadership and provide a forum where they may share their successful strategies, enabling us to relay the information to the rest of the field for better training, and guide all to success. The criteria for this elite group will be announced in upcoming months.
We sincerely thank all of you, and you have our word we are working hard to continually improve upon the current offerings we bring you. We are confident this year will turn out to be our best year yet once again, and each of you, our customers, make it all worthwhile. Stay tuned for more information to come!

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